Monday, June 18, 2018

Happy Father's Day To My Deadbeat Dad

Thank you for being selfish.
It has shown me the importance of a generous spirit.

Thank you for teaching me about rejection.
I have learned that my worth is not determined by other people.

Thank you for showing me the hurt that comes from abandonment.
It has taught me the value of loyalty and fostered a spirit of empathy to care for others who hurt.

Thank you for displaying the ugliness of arrogance.
I now see the beauty in selflessness.

Thank you for your demonstration of betrayal. 
It has helped me to be discerning and recognize that trust is to be earned.

Thank you for struggle and hardship.
I now have great endurance and comprehend the resiliency of the human heart.

Thank you for being a coward.
It has encouraged me to always do the right thing even if it's terrifying.

Thank you for being a bad father.
It has shown me the immeasurable value and strength of a good mother.


  1. I'd like to leave a funny comment, but that's just beautiful (emotional, but beautifully written)!

  2. Thank you! Now I'm curious to hear what the "funny comment" would have been. lol
