Friday, January 24, 2014

The Secret to Finding a Fulfilling Career

My sister just sent this blog link my way and I think it's a really interesting perspective on what drives our career path, and what is essential in finding a fulfilling career.

As children we are taught to find a career by being asked, "WHAT do you want to be when you grow up?"  So then our process of figuring out our profession is based on deciding WHAT we want to do. The first thing we do in deciding is by picking a career. Then comes the, "HOW" do we attain this career.

One main question that seems to be left out or over looked is the "WHY". This question requires the person to consider the reasoning behind the chosen career.

The idea being illustrated here is that people are happier and more successful when they align their personal values with their career... the "WHY" factor.  Emilie (the author of the blog "puttylike") reflects on her own personal values with this topic:

"But, recently, I’ve started to think again about my career path, by looking at jobs I’ve enjoyed in the past, jobs I’m genuinely passionate about, and jobs that I don’t know much about but which appeal to me:

LGBT activist – encouraging people to accept other people the way they are

Author – writing young adult novels about accepting yourself, and going after the life you want

Teaching assistant – helping children find those ‘aha’ moments so that they believe in themselves

Personal trainer – helping people to become the way they want to be, and proud of themselves

Blogger – inspiring young people to live on purpose by working out who they are, and what they want

There’s a pretty obvious theme there of helping (young) people to feel good about themselves, and to improve their lives and self-esteem."

A recent TED talk by Simon Sinek further looks into this idea of personal and professional success not being measured so much by the WHAT and the HOW.. but the WHY.

Bootsy :D

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