As much as I love my job as a nurse, I hate employee education even more. But as all 'evils' go.. they are apparently 'necessary'.
Since I work in a hospital it is important to know the different codes that may be called overhead. For example: Code Blue-Cardiac Arrest, Code Yellow-Missing Patient, Code White-Aggressive Person, Code Brown-Sh*t Spill.. just kidding, but close... Hazardous Material Spill.
These education sessions are provided online and usually turn out to be pretty darn hilarious. One of my favourite parts of these education sessions are the vivid and realistic images they show that correlate with each Code.
For example: Code Brown (depicted by several unconscious employees who appear to have just been slimed)
It's also important to note that if there is ever a local, biological hazard you will need to be decontaminated by the band members from DEVO.
Just recently I was reviewing the Learning Module for Code Black:

After a Code Black is called in the hospital can you guess what the nursing staff and health care professionals are required to do?
You're probably thinking: "Move patients to a secure location", or "Evacuate the area", or something like that. Well, interestingly enough, all of those answers would be wrong. We are told to do the opposite of all that and to go and LOOK for the potential "suspicious package" in our area.
Are you Frickin Kidding me??? Look for the bomb?? Let's get something straight. I'm a nurse. Not a one-woman, bomb squad. Seriously, if I hear a Code Black I've got two legs and I am RUNNING! I saw "The Hurt Locker". Can I say 'no thank you'? I may suffer from generalized anxiety but I'm not stupid. I can just see it now. Me. Looking for a bomb. With a fresh dump in my underpants. Not only is the hospital management on crack they also seriously over estimate the strength of my anus.
Alas, I digress... at least it all makes for interesting, work related, blog rants.
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