Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Facebook "Like" Button 101: Learn To Use Your Social Media Approval Like a Champ

To Facebook "Like" OR not to "Like"? That is the question.

Public displays of approval from friends and colleagues feel as loving and reassuring as a warm blanket wrapped around a newly orphaned child. After receiving that incredible feeling of acceptance we in turn desire to return that Love and give out our "Likes" unabashedly and with pride.

But... that being said, like any savvy Facebook user, you don't want to sell yourself short and just give out Facebook "Likes" faster than Zac Efron gives out herpes.  There are moments when Facebook "Likes" need to used with discretion.

Learn to wield and strengthen your social media approval power, like the sassy introvert you are, with this simple breakdown and explanation of The Facebook "Like".

Standard reasons to Give your "Like"

The Genuine, Simplest Reason: 
"I like that"

This is the easiest, most convenient 'Like' button hit... the genuine, sincere, honest, pure, wholesome public display of your coveted approval.

It's your Best Friend or a Family Member: 
"This is my best friend/family member and I like everything they post, even if I don't genuinely 'like' it, because I support and love them"

We love our friends and family dearly (well, some of them), and even though their Facebook posts may not be something you genuinely 'Like' or agree with in anyway... Tough! You have to! This is the true meaning of love & friendship... and they probably do the same for you!

The Sympathy "Like": 
"This person has literally no Facebook friends and if I don't 'Like' their post no one will, and I feel bad for them."

This is probably the most charitable, good Samaritan 'Like' you can give out. It's like an invisible, paper thin (but very real) support system for these sad, friendless individuals.

The "Like" Button Whore:
"I 'Like' every status I see on Facebook no matter what it is"

When you post a status update or picture and a well known "Like Button Whore" 'Likes' it, you know right away that it doesn't really mean anything. Don't be deceived by their 'Likes'. They are as disappointing and unfulfilling as playing Tim Horton's 'Roll up the Rim to Win'.
*Remember: When it comes to giving out your "Likes", be prudent. You don't want to look crazy.

Standard reasons to Withhold your "Like"

The Genuine, Simplest Reason:
"I don't like that"

Every day Facebook gets slammed with a never ending, annoying, myriad of crap... for example:
People who post 'Selfies' every hour, 'supposed' cute animal videos (that frankly aren't that cute... I'm sorry), dessert recipes, chain letters, lovely pictures of abused/emaciated dogs, pro-vaccine fanatics, people who have conversations with their spouse through status updates (seriously?), top 5 lists, nature pictures with reassuring phrase captions, photos that say "Help this Scientist Find A Cure for Cancer by Liking this Picture", etc. 
There are plenty of valid reasons to withhold your approval on Facebook. You don't have to just run out and 'give it up' like some fatherless, teenage girl.

The Grudge Keeper:
"You never 'Like' my posts so I'm not going to 'Like' yours"

This is obviously a more child-like reason to withhold your approval, but a reason nonetheless. If you've been giving out your Facebook 'Likes' and attention to a certain person who's just not returning the favor, maybe you want to think about playing a little harder to get. The giving and receiving of 'Likes' is a two way street... and you don't want to look desperate.

Sad Status Updates:
"Someone posted a very sad status update and I'm unsure if it's appropriate to 'Like' it"

It never fails. Someone is always dying. When people post the obituary of their dearly beloved Grandparent or a heavyhearted description of how much they miss their dog 'Puddles'... it's hard to know whether or not 'Liking' it is considered supportive OR seen as offensive and twisted. When in doubt, leave a thoughtful comment instead.

The Anti-Enabler: 
"I don't want to encourage your crazy, frequent, bat $hit crazy status updates":

There are some Facebook users who seriously need an intervention. They are best described as simply Cray Cray. These individuals post constant, senseless, attention-seeking, major personality disorder-like, crazy rants/photos/updates/links/Creed song lyrics... you name it, they've done it! The weirdest part is that these people typically get more Facebook 'Likes' than God. It is imperative that Facebook "Likes" be limited and used with caution with these individuals. You don't want to be an enabler!
*If you find these people too emotionally draining sometimes it's better to just cut the fat from the meat de-friend them. You don't need that added stress in your life. 
For further info, read my article on Facebook Defriending

So, I'll guess I'll sign off by saying, "Your Welcome!!"  Go out now and use your new found understanding of the power of Facebook "Likes" to help change the world (and cure cancer)!

Bootsy :)

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