Friday, March 15, 2019

Don't Treat My Kid Like An Idiot

Why is it that grown ups think it's hilarious to trick little kids?  It's not like it's hard to do. They're KIDS! They don't understand things very well. 

So why is it so entertaining for adults to "mess with them", confuse them, tell them something random and watch their innocent, little face contort with even further confusion. And then on top of it all... LAUGH at them. 

That's not funny... it's called being a HUGE DICK.

As the mother of a 3 and a half year old daughter, I'm getting used to hearing her ask more complex questions about the world. She's growing and learning, and she remembers EVERYTHING I say. She's curious and smart and I try my best to give her logical, sensible answers that are also age appropriate.

What really pisses me off, is when other people answer her questions with the most stupid, ridiculous, made-up bull crap.  I work hard at being truthful with her, and helping her to make sense of the world around her that is naturally, quite perplexing. 

What I don't need is other friends or family members adding to her confusion by giving her random, weird, fantastical answers for things.

Daughter: (making polite conversation) "Do you like my pink bow?"
Adult: "Oh, What's a bow? Did that grow out of your head?"
Daughter: (stands in stunned silence unsure of what to say)


Is it possible that we can talk to kids like they're normal, little people; and respect them enough to give them sensible, rational answers to their questions?

Now don't get me wrong... I'm all for playing games and 'make believe' with my daughter. But the key difference here is...

I want her to be able to distinguish between reality and fiction. I don't enjoy confusing my child or sending her off with this new added feeling of not understanding the world... or maybe even, understanding it less. Guess what? It's not my brand of humor.

So, that's my rant. Let's talk to kids with a bit more respect by giving them straight forward answers to their legitimate questions. 

Maybe if we don't treat them like they're idiots, they won't end up growing up to be... idiots.
